About Our Project

Our Team:  

We are an international group of physics teachers, physics students, and secondary school students.  

Additional members are most welcome!  


We appreciate any kind of questions, feedback and comments. Please use the e-mail address guenther-osswald@t-online.de for this purpose.  

Collaboration in the project:  

We are constantly looking for more contributors from different countries.   

Currently, the main task is to create videos of suitable experiments.  

Language skills in English, Spanish, French or German are required.  

Remuneration for the work according to country-specific standards is possible.  

Website Content:  

The website contains a collection of instructions on physics experiments for school. These are intended to enable physics teachers in particular, but also pupils interested in physics, to carry out meaningful experiments. The materials used are easy to obtain, as they are often available in everyday life, or can be purchased for little money in local shops. Occasionally, ready-made experiment kits are also used, which are available at low cost from Internet retailers.  

Website structure:  

The website is structured similarly to a web store. Selection criteria (for example, the physics subject area) can be used to find the appropriate products (experiment instructions). Each instruction contains a characteristic picture by which it can be quickly recognized. This is followed by a video showing the setup and execution of the experiment. All these videos were made by us. This is followed by the instructions in text form.  

Introduction to:   

This is where we indicate what physical topics the experiment addresses.  


Here we list what materials are needed to perform the experiment. Alternatives are indicated with a slash /.  


… describes the experimental setup  


… describes the necessary steps to perform the experiment  


No distinction is made here between setup and execution. The two are mixed together.  


What can be seen, heard, smelled, felt or possibly measured is stated here.  


… Suggestions for making the experiment more successful.  


… Provides hints for the physical understanding of the experiment based on physical theories.  

Didactic potential:  

… shows which learning contents can be developed with the experiment  

… gives an outlook on further relationships  

Our philosophy:  

We believe that the course of history can be positively influenced by worldwide education.   

The more people know about physical correlations, the more awareness is brought into the world.   

Education in general should be as holistic as possible, which means including the head, the heart and the hand.   

Education should be available to all people on earth. We especially want to support schools and teachers in developing countries that have few resources.  

Therefore, our experiments should be inexpensive: “Low-Cost Experiments”.   

The instructions should be understandable even for teachers who have neither a great knowledge of physics nor great skills in practical experimentation.  

We choose physics as learning content because it is a central natural science, and the basis for all modern technology.  

We believe in co-creation, the collaboration of people from different countries and cultures. Therefore, new collaborators are always welcome.  

Our goals:  

    to create as large a database as possible for school experiments in physics   

    the widest possible dissemination of these experiments to schools worldwide   

    the welfare of our collaborators  

    the financial autonomy of our project  

Business model:  

Our business model is still open, as we are very much at the beginning of the project. We still see this website as a prototype.  

No webshop:  

This website is not a webshop.   

Experimental material cannot be ordered from us.   

We refer to local trade and mail order on the Internet. 

Safety in experimentation  

All experiments posted by us have been performed by us and we consider them safe.  

Nevertheless, performing experiments can cause hazards to life and limb.  

Some examples:  

  •     Injuries to the retina when experimenting with LASER light  
  •     Injuries due to improper use of tools  
  •     Dangers due to defective electrical appliances  
  •     a small child swallows a pointed object  

We try to avoid potentially hazardous material in our experiments.  

We do not take responsibility of any kind for accidents that happen while experimenting according to our instructions.  

We recommend that experiments always be carried out with caution and awareness of danger.