052 – Spread of a substance on the water surface

Propulsion by recoil  

Washing-up liquid or alcohol on water  


Introduction to:  

  • Recoil principle  
  • Surface tension  



  • Styrofoam board (thin, thickness approx. 2 mm, e.g. from a fast food box) / light wood / cardboard  
  • Scissors / sharp knife  
  • Washing-up liquid or liquid detergent / disinfectant / alcohol (e.g. ethanol, methanol, propanol)  
  • Large container with water  


  • a piece of paper  
  • Match  
  • Glue  


  • Cut out a rectangular plate in the shape of a boat from the polystyrene.  
  • Cut a thin channel with a hole at the beginning in the boat.  
  • Decorate the boat as you like with a small sail.  
  • Check if the boat floats.  
  • Add a drop of dish soap to the hole.  


  • The boat starts moving forward with a jerk.  


  • Both a drop of dish soap and a drop of alcohol spread evenly on a water surface.  
  • The reasons are differences in the density and surface tension as well as the specific surface energy of the substances.  
  • The fuel can only spread backwards through the slot in the boat, resulting in a driving force to the front (recoil force). 
  • After some time, the alcohol dissolves in the water and the experiment can be carried out again. Not so with washing-up liquid, where the experiment can only be carried out once.